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from discussion in the PEIRCE-L forum


*Problem of the Chords, posed by Tom Anderson (June 30 - July 10th, 1997)
*Slow read of Christopher Hookway's Peirce


Some of the discussion threads that have occurred on PEIRCE-L over the four years of its existence are well worth re-reading and studying more carefully than time has sometimes permitted us to do. Any such threads that anyone finds worthwhile to abstract from the recorded flow of conversation there will be reproduced here as perspicuously as possible, as part of the more general aim of increasing the cumulative aspect of on-line discourse. Send a note if you have some material you would like to contribute.

Queries, comments, and suggestions to

This page is part of the Arisbe website
Page last modified by B.U. July 7, 2012, earliest on August 16, 2011 — B.U.
Last modified July 22, 1998 — J.R.

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